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Columbus Park of Roses

 Hey Everyone, 

    Remind me to never use computer issues and catching up on posts in the same sentence ever again. I am still in MAC update purgatory where I suddenly don't have enough room on my computer to install the update. (I do have an older version.) I essentially have to go in the computer through a "backdoor" to delete files to free up space which is taking an eternity. I appreciate everyone's patience with me and with all the upcoming fun 2023 things we're doing, I WILL be catching up on the end of last year's adventures. But enough tech talk, let's talk about our August 2022 *eye twitch* adventure: The Columbus Park of Roses. 

Parking lot sign

    I had heard of this park from coworkers and people who live in the Clintonville area. A friend had asked me to catch up one afternoon, and I suggested we check out the park. Now that I've seen it in full bloom, I love it. It's very tranquil and stunning. I'm always fascinated how each flower has its own unique design, color, and fragrance. It may be impossible to leave without taking at least one flower photo. 

    The sign for Park of Roses is in front of the Clintonville library. After you turn, you have to follow the road all the way back. Ignore your instincts to pull into the library or tennis courts/soccer field parking lots. You'll come to a large park area with walking trails and a playground. Another Park of Roses sign will be in the middle of the parking lot in front of the community center. The garden starts up the hill behind the community center. You can see the garden map below. 


    The park is free year-round and as you can see with the garden map, it is about a mile. According to their website, it is one of the largest public gardens in the U.S. with over 12,000 species of roses. You can find a breakdown of each section here. I dream of having an herb garden of my own someday so that is my favorite section. My other favorite is the wedding arch path with the fountain in the background. It is a beautiful and picturesque place to have as a wedding venue. People sit on benches throughout the park to read, take photos, walk and talk with family and friends, etc...A big draw is the tall tower that overlooks the gardens. They also have a gazebo and bleachers toward the back of the gardens where they hold concerts and events periodically. 
Lookout tower


Wedding area 

    I love coming to catch up with friends in a beautiful and fragrant setting. I end up taking tons of flower photos that I "photo dump" on social media. It's a perfect excuse to stop and smell the roses, literally. They all smell different and so good! I wish I could bottle them all. With it being open year-round, it is interesting to see the various stages of bloom throughout the year and how long they last. Let me know in the comments if you've made it out here! 


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