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Showing posts with the label Ghost-Walks

Cleveland Ghost Walk

 Happy Halloween, Everyone!      This is my favorite time of year and it didn't feel complete without doing something spooky. We wanted to do a Cleveland Ghost Tour, but because of COVID they had been cancelled. We decided to pick a couple stops off their usual tour and do our own walk. We picked the Collinwood Memorial Garden-site of the Collinwood School Fire that incredibly impacted the future of schools in the U.S., and Lake View Cemetery with its rich history and beautiful landscape.      The Collinwood School Fire happened on March 4, 1908 at Lake View Elementary. An overheated steam pipe underneath the wooden staircase caught on fire. The building was three stories high, had two narrow staircases, and only two exits. The exit doors closed inward and became tightly packed with panicked children before the doors could be opened and they all were trapped against it. The fire escape on one of the floors didn't reach the ground. The building itself was highly flammable with a

Haunted Columbus-Ohio State University

 Hello Friends,       After our first Haunted Columbus experience, Autumn was eager to attend another one. I was definitely intrigued by some of the other tours they offered, but then COVID 19 hit. When things began opening up again, she diligently kept checking their website to see what their precautions were, and if and when they would be doing tours. She texted me saying they were doing a Hallowed Halls of Horror Tour at Ohio State. As a huge Ohio State fan, I freaked out and said of course I would do this one. I agreed to do this tour because:  1. Each tour has a limit of how people can attend.  2. We'd be outside the entire time, so social distancing wouldn't be an issue.       After parking in one of the two parking garages on campus by the Ohio Union, we were instructed by the email sent out to meet in front of Hayes Hall on the Oval. Our tour guide informed us that there was only one other group signed up and obviously we had to wear our masks. (He wore a face shield th

Haunted Columbus

Hello Friends,      I hope everyone is staying safe during this outbreak. I'm an essential worker in Behavioral Health, so I'm about a month and half late making this post. My birthday was a week before this all started hitting hard in our country. I'm thankful to have gotten to have one last adventure before quarantine began.      If you know me, you know that my favorite time of year is Halloween and that my favorite genre of movies is horror. After doing a tour of Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania four years ago, I've been looking at traveling to other cities to do haunted tours. It's not so much the paranormal I'm interested in, it's the history and stories behind the locations. Basically every big city has a haunted tour, so I thought I should start where I live. The Haunted Columbus tours take a break during the January and February months since the weather can be so cold and unpredictable, but thankfully my birthday weekend