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Hard Truth Distillery

 Happy July!

    It's bittersweet to say that since it means summer is halfway over. I'm trying to soak in all the sun, sand, chlorine and heat that I possibly can before I blink and it's winter. While we were visiting family in Indiana, we also went to Hard Truth Distillery on the recommendation from my uncle. Two of my uncles, brother, and grandpa did the bourbon trail in Kentucky last year, so my uncle wanted us to try this one. I am a whiskey and bourbon girl, so you don't exactly have to pull my arm to get me to go to a distillery. 

Main building

    Hard Truth Distillery is located in Nashville, Indiana, which is a cute little historic town full of shops if you ever get the chance to visit. The distillery is on a gorgeous piece of property tucked away on a side street on a hilltop surrounded by trees about 2 miles from downtown. It gave me Twilight vibes, minus the overcast sky. There is a tasting room/tours near the parking lot, the main building/distillery/restaurant, and a patio where they have 3 levels of seating along the hill and a stage for live bands. I was obsessed with that patio. I've never seen one like it. They had party lights and the scenery backdrop was just so stunning. If I lived there I'd be there every weekend on that patio for music and summer nights. I wish I could've done the tour and tasting room, but we were there for dinner and my group isn't THAT into the making of bourbon and whiskey. 

Hillside patio

    The main building is massive and has the restaurant, a merchandise section, and a sampling room with the products they make that you can buy. I loved the fact that they were doing samples because I initially was really bummed out that I didn't get to go to the tasting room. However, the sampling room only has about 5 options of tastings and they're a free small shot vs. the tasting room where you'd pay to get a few small glasses and your choice from a variety. It depends on the type of experience you want to have. I found that everything I sampled that they make is very smooth and I could taste the flavors you're meant to. It's not the type of bourbon and whiskey that burns all the way down and is indistinguishable in taste. A few of our favorites were the Peanut Butter Brittle Bourbon and Maple Cream Bourbon. I know when you hear cream, you think it's something similar to Bailey's, but it isn't. It was refreshing to have a "cream" bourbon without actual cream. My personal obsession was their Cinnamon Vodka. It's like Fireball, but even better. It's smooth, rich, and so cinnamony (is that a word?) that I had to refrain from buying three bottles. I don't normally like vodka! We did grab those three to take home, but unfortunately, I didn't get any other whiskey or bourbons this trip because they're very expensive. They averaged anywhere from $60-$90 a bottle. Would I have spent $300? Yes, but I hadn't anticipated budgeting for that. Next time. 

    When we sat down in the restaurant, I was still in my Cinnamon Vodka dreamland from the sample. I ordered the Cinnamon Vodka Sour ($11.99), which was bright, refreshing, and had a touch of that cinnamon spice. Since we were in a distillery, I had to order the Candied Bacon Whiskey Burger ($17.99). It is hands down the best burger I've ever had. I won't lie, it was greasy so if you're sensitive to grease, it will not go well. The whiskey glaze didn't taste like whiskey, but like an upscale BBQ sauce. The garlic aioli was super flavorful and rich, and I was getting it off the plate with my finger, fries, anything. The candied bacon was the right consistency, not at all rubbery/fatty or overly crisp. The burger itself was a little messy and sticky. The fries were good and I appreciated the homemade ranch. I would 100% get it again. I don't know that I'd ever make it to anything else on the menu. 

Candied Bacon Whiskey Burger

Cinnamon Vodka Sour

    We also tried the Grilled Portobello Melt ($16.99). It was packed with flavor and had a good amount of toppings. It was also slightly greasy. The portobello was meaty and tender. The fire roasted red peppers gave it a tanginess and were not spicy. It was also a little messy from the BBQ sauce. Overall, it was a solid vegetarian option and we would get it again. 

Grilled Portobello Melt

    Lastly, we tried the Hard Truth Meatloaf ($20.99). This was a bit of a disappointment for the price. The brown gravy didn't have a lot of flavor, almost like it was from a can. There was a nice crust on the meatloaf and it was seasoned well. The red smashed potatoes were creamy and were the best part of the dish. The green beans were the consistency of canned and had pieces of pork in it. It was just okay. For the price, we wouldn't order it again while there are so many other things on the menu that are better. 

Hard Truth Meatloaf

    I would like to come back and do a tour with a tasting to get the full experience and learn more about the company. I'd love to come back mid-summer when they have the live bands, sit on that hillside patio with a Candied Bacon Whiskey Burger and just vibe. I adore the rustic lodge hilltop feel and decor on the property. Their whiskeys and bourbons are so good and are one of the best ones I've tried at a distillery. I could easily spend the entire day there, and I wonder if anyone actually does. There's plenty to do! 

    Have you visited Hard Truth Distillery? Let me know if you have any favorites in the restaurant or favorite spirits that they make! 



  1. - enjoyed the take on your visit to this awesome distillery very much - how could anyone not long to spend an entire day in such an atmosphere as this !! Good presentation Carrie !


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